In the last few days a number of car-owning residents of the Groves have been issued with parking tickets. There is a free resident's parking permit available, but many do not have one. Why not? Until a couple of years ago permits were issued at the Council 'Car Pound' off Ashton New Road. A resident car-owner would take their documents to the office and be given a disc to put in their car windscreen. But then the application process was made 'online only', the disc done away with (Parking Enforcement Officers now enter the car's registration into a database to check)... and the problems and confusion began.
Not enough space here to go into detail, but the difficulties have included:
Some have managed to get a permit. And of course, there will be a few who just haven't bothered, but in most cases, people have tried and given up. We have spoken to one of our Councillors who has recommended that people who feel their ticket has been issued unfairly should appeal and also email the Councillors. We have also spoken to our Ward Officers who are looking at ways to get help to those who have been struggling with the online application process. More news on that soon, we hope. A leaflet has been produced with this advice and delivered to every house. Download it here. Meanwhile, if this affects you, do send an email. If you want to try again to get a permit, click here. Let us know if it works, or if it fails, what went wrong. This information will be useful to help make the process easier.
First, thanks to all who joined in our Socially Distant Litter Pick a few weeks ago. Quite a few bags were filled and removed by Biffa a couple of days later.
Since then Greater Manchester has come under 'Tier 3' Covid restrictions – currently the highest level, meaning Very High Risk. Click here to see what this means. Remember, these rules will only work if we all stick to them. To get on top of this virus, everyone has to play their part. Protect your neighbours by wearing a mask outdoors. Hands - face - space! |
The GrovesNews about what is happening on the Groves. Categories
December 2024