![]() Upper West Grove was closed to traffic yesterday afternoon to make it an Active Play Street. We had crafts ℅ Georgina and Gulnar, lots of games brought by Manchester Active, stalls by Biffa and the Council, treats from Moss Care Housing, and lots of people brought lovely food. As one chalked comment on the road said: "Best Day Ever". Thanks everyone (including all 3 of our Councillors). And thanks everyone who came early to pick up litter and help set up.
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Two years ago we turned Upper West Grove into a Play Street for an afternoon. Remember? We're doing it again! This Wednesday afernoon,* August 30, Upper West Grove will be closed to cars, and between 1:30 and 3:30 it will be time to play, chat and have fun and food. Manchester Active will bring in loads of games, there will be craft activities and we are asking neighbours to bring food and soft drinks to share. And a seat if you want to sit down.
*Please note: Between 1 and 4pm vehicles will be unable to enter or park on Upper West Grove. If you park your car on Upper West Grove you will need to move it elsewhere between those times. Thank you. |
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December 2024