A big thank you to everyone who turned out on a lovely sunny morning on Saturday to help tidy our streets. We picked up lots of litter, some smaller fly-tipped items, and had a good time working and chatting together. A big thank you again to MSA for use of their office as a base, and to Marzena for providing refreshments and the brilliant bubble machines! Thanks also to Manchester City council for bags, gloves etc, and Biffa for the bags pick-up. We would still much rather that lazy people did not drop litter, but it's good to turn that negative into a positive and we can feel proud of improving our environment in this way. Not everyone was around when we took the photos, but they show some of the workers and bags we collected.
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Our next community litter-pick will be on Saturday May 14, 11am to 1pm. We will meet as usual at the MSA Office at the corner of Upper West and North Groves for handing out bags, gloves and pickers. If you can’t come at that time but can help sometime over the weekend, get in touch and we’ll get you a bag (or two). This is always a fun time together, to chat and catch up while we make the Groves look better. And doing something to improve our environment always seems to make us feel better. Maybe we can find some prizes for the best junior litter picker uppers… |
The GrovesNews about what is happening on the Groves. Categories
July 2024