Advance news that another Play Street is being planned for the Groves this summer. It will be on Upper West Grove on Wednesday August 28 from 1:30 to 3:30pm. Please let everyone know. All are welcome and residents are again invited to bring food and/or soft drinks for one of our Bring & Share Picnics. More details to follow about this and also ANOTHER Play Street on a different Grove on Monday August 19.
We are taking part in the Great British Spring Clean again this year. Our Groves Clean-Up will be on Saturday on March 21. Come along anytime between 11am and 2pm. As before we are being supported by Manchester City Council, Moss Care St Vincent housing. local businesses such as MSA, and our Councillors will be calling in. Also this year we welcome Manchester Student Homes who will be encouraging our local students to come and join in. We will have prizes and goody-bags and we're asking everyone if they can to bring some cake or biscuits to share. Let's make it a fun community and family time together doing something positive. Our clean-up is registered with Keep Britain Tidy and our number of volunteers and numbers of bags filled will be counted in the national statistics. More details soon. It's time for our Bring & Share Picnic in the Community Garden. Saturday August 31, from 12:30pm. Everyone welcome – please bring some food to share.
This year we will be joined again by community artist Trae who will be encouraging us to take part in creating some artwork to decorate the garden. M13 Youth Project will be providing some activities for children and young people. And all of us will be providing the food and (soft) drinks to share. It’s a great way of getting to know your neighbours better and enjoying some new tastes and flavours. We particularly welcome any new students who may have moved into the Groves recently. STOP PRESS: Once again Akutu has made some jam from one of the plum tree in the garden (thanks to Matteo for helping pick the fruit). Jars available to Groves residents on a first come basis. Today we had our latest Bring & Share event, hosted by Elizabeth Gaskell’s House. Thanks to everyone who came and brought food to share. As part of our time together we had free tours of the house. We enjoyed finding out about this historic building on our doorsteps and the people who lived there from a time when round here was mostly fields. Thanks also to our 2 tour guides, and to the Jo Cox Foundation for providing our funding, via Forever Manchester, as part of the Great Get Together. Our Groves Clean-Up is next Saturday on March 30. Come along anytime between 11am and 2pm. We will have prizes and goody-bags and we're asking everyone if they can to bring some cake or biscuits to share. Let's make it a fun community and family time together doing something positive. Our clean-up is registered with Keep Britain Tidy and our number of volunteers and numbers of bags filled will be counted in the national statistics. Look at our clean-up here. Saturday, February 23, 12:30-3:30pm An afternoon of art workshops, conversation and Family Fun with Community Artist Trae at Elizabeth Gaskell’s House, 84 Plymouth Grove. Bring food to share with your neighbours, drink tea, create art with Trae, learn more about re-cycling, and celebrate your community’s achievements. Please note: Children must be accompanied. |
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July 2024